
Audiences everywhere agree: "Critics should miss this!"

I'd much rather watch this than watch some Survivor / Fear Factor slimy worm-eating bullshit.

Now I'll see it.

It's a hoot.

The sucker is anybody who spent money to watch it.

Kirk Douglas made one with his kid, Liberace.

NBC's biggest hit, with more than 130 viewers.

Looking forward to the sequels, After Noon, Before Lunch, About Six, Before Bedtime, Around Sundown, Almost Dawn, Maybe Later, Sometime Soon.

Not for many months.

In Behind the Candelabra II, the boys go to Thailand.

At the after-party, NBC executives who produced yet ANOTHER flop all got seriously smashed.

"for the show to operate in," "the perfect ending for" …. ah, yes, ol' preposition-defying Todd, not unlike Abe, is still looking for a good way to end his stories with.

Neither the second "Arthur" nor the second "City Slickers" was a prequel, yet John Gielgud and Jack Palance were brought back in a fine fuck-you to audiences everywhere.

Yes, because when you think of movie reviews, you think of Grantland.

Jim Jarmusch's films have been enjoyed by tens of people all over the world.

Most. Underrated. Movie. Ever.

Oh, yeah — ice skaters. Took up all of 5 minutes. Ruined "Ronin" for that one guy. Five minutes of a great 2-hour crime movie. Those damn ice skaters.

I never miss a Barry Newman movie.

Ignored it due to the reviews. Saw it yesterday. Best damn movie I've seen all year.

You go fucking watch "Where the Money Is" because you're the ONLY one who fucking watched "Where the Money Is."