
'Juliette’s publicist insists that she cover up the damage'

'Juliette’s publicist insists that she cover up the damage'

Surely if she wasn't fully on board with the REVENGE she would have realised years before the point of letting her fathers killer go free.
Why didn't she at least keep him prisoner until the evidence was out in the open [ or chloroformed him so he could experience a flashback which changed his personality]
When she

Surely if she wasn't fully on board with the REVENGE she would have realised years before the point of letting her fathers killer go free.
Why didn't she at least keep him prisoner until the evidence was out in the open [ or chloroformed him so he could experience a flashback which changed his personality]
When she

Surely Violet did the spell wrong. Since they're ghosts and not zombies the objects they're wearing aren't the real ones.
Showing the Roanoake stuff maybe indicated it was true and not something the medium was making up. Although given how straight forward the ritual was it's strange she had never tried it but maybe

So once more after watching what I thought was the worst episode of a show I turn to the AV Club for confirmation only to find it has the highest rating so far.

Why didn't he try starting the tank?
From the original trailers and the end of the first episode with him getting in the tank I thought this one might start with a wide shot of the Zombies swarming the tank and then the sound of the engine roaring to life.

Agree on every point.

oops too many Is in that first line ;)

I guess so alurin I not sure I get your point.

How about just one show being like that phodreaw just as a test to see what it would be like?

I come to bury the writer's room not to praise it.
As far as the episode goes C, not as as good as last week but fine.

"There's no way you'll ever buy Christensen, who gives it her all, as a powerful businesswoman, and I'm so, so tired of storylines where a mother (or a father, for that matter) can't somehow be both a career woman and a good parent. Millions of parents in this nation do it every day, and that TV writers seem to think

If Zavatar has become a pleasant caring being off screen that would seem to be a Sylar sized personality U-turn.

Zoebot helping her father didn't seem right. Wouldn't she just have pretended to malfunction in order not to help him out.

my two cents
As far as BSG goes overall I liked it a lot. I own the mini series and first two seasons on DVD which I think were its best. Third year on, the reuse of characters bothered me more than anything else even the ending which seemed overly neat but I was generally fine about.