
I agree with Miller's assertion that the bad guys are reincarnated, and their weapon of oppression re-occurs at at least three points throughout - (opening Ewing) Autua is whipped by the lizard-tattooed Maori, (Sloosha) the Kona use whips throughout, and (closing Ewing) Mr Wagstaff carries a whip, saying "… we've made

Hows Irons did it…
Alex Cox introduced this movie as part of the Moviedrome series one summer- he said that Irons claimed he knew which Mantle he was playing by walking on the balls of his feet for one and his heels for the other. Don't know which was which, but I'd guess Elliot seemed lighter on his feet, so… balls.

The Bitmap Bros released "The Chaos Engine" in the UK:

I'm afraid calling ZMF's name will not always invoke him - his last twitter reads "GOTTA LEAVE THE STATE AND LAY LOW FOR AWHILE SO I WONT BE ONLINE SO ILL SEE YOU FUCKERS LATER IM OUT"

Marco Pierre White is scary
Marco has this strange power over Ramsay (much like bullies have over their victims) - check out Gordon falling to pieces on a fishing trip in the ancient fly-on-the-wall documentary that made Ramsay: Boiling Point