
I imagine most strong personalities are much more annoying when they come with their own echo.

There's at least one exception to that rule and that's Fiji, which has an awesome post-merge, but its pre-merge is so terrible it pulls the whole season down.

If I can, I'd like to change to Kelley, Wes, Jeremy, and Reed

Fingers crossed I do better than last time (its a low bar):
Kelley Wentworth
Jon Misch
Wes Nale
Val Collins

I agree with everyone fearing for Zuko's longevity. With him and Tonraq, Korra has two more world leaders traveling with her, and presumably both would be on the Red Lotus' hit list. (Yes, Zuko is technically retired and his daughter is running the Fire Nation, but he still represents old regime, monarchical power).

*Big Fat Spoiler Warning for GoT*

Both were saved by their relationships with young girls with Daddy issues. Although I don't recall Sugar teaching Bob how to read.

She has clearly revealed herself as an agent of chaos, and if you have the majority, chaos is the last thing you need.

I've been done for awhile now, but I did not expect to be buried quite this quickly.

It really depends on how the tribe shakeup goes and who ends up where, but if I'm Tasha or Kass, I'd rather be scrambling with J'Tia in my back pocket then competing with Spencer for the same spot in an alliance. But really, its a coin flip at this point, as far as I'm concerned.

I still think an ally that will get herself voted out before you if things go south is decent to have, because that buys you more time to scramble and find a hole. Its far better, of course, to always have the numbers and ride out a solid alliance, but that's not an option any of the brains have. Their only options

Ultimately, there just was no compelling angle to sell on J'Tia on her way out the door- the only thing she could have provided narratively was if she managed to recover.

If memory serves, the reactions ranged from draining the fuel line themselves to basically crying on the side of the road until a good samaritan dug them out. It was glorious.

I was hoping that wouldn't happen, both for pick 4 points and because I like Sarah, but now I need to see the look in Jeff's eyes as he realizes he will only have the beauties to root for.

I think JP was sort of straddling the line of being out back when he was on the show, if memory serves.

Sandra was cast as the "Latina" character, and therefore by default Survivor stereotypes was also the "sassy" one.

This just occurred to me- was Brice the first black gay man on the show? At first I thought he was the first gay man of color, but then I remembered Brad and JP from Cook Islands.

Another Kinsey 6 guy saying you are absolutely right about Woo and
Spencer. So we can be weirdos together.

The flip side of that statistic is that the first three boots have been women three times: Fiji, Gabon, and Caramoan, and if you ignore medevacs all three went on to vote at least a fourth woman out before turning on the men. And then Blood vs Water started out with four women being voted out but redemption island and