Hausia Dompa

Yes, but how many manatees?

There Will Be Pie

Dig deep, fellas.

or a guy named Peter. Whoever it was, it cost $150.

but IT'S NOT A CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!!11!!!

Apparently Mormons haven't given up sarcasm

pics or it didn't happen

I vaguely remember an episode of "Highway to Heaven" that involved Michael Landon in a chicken suit. That's all I've got, but I just know it effed up my 6-year-old self for some reason.

I love this blog, but hate its infrequent updates

Well, "Minesweeper: The Movie" is up for an Oscar this year, so these aren't too far off.

Street signs indoors, and a bunch of commenters commenting on commenter's comments? Whatever!

When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?

creative license, Mr. Sackoshit

Now look what you've done, Quirk! You've said something so contrarian that Lobsty is speechless.

I'm here to fix le cable

Go Team Ohio!

You're killin me, smalls

Reaganomics is the name of an 80s cover band in Columbus, Ohio

And tends to wrassle nekkid

I didn't even read the review and I'm here, so cram it with walnuts, ugly.