Hausia Dompa

Stay tuned for her new single, "Bent my Wookie"

Bacon up that sausage, boy!

I saw the Jimmy from SOuth Park ref, but not the AD ref

Columbus is calling…

See ya, thread.

…and only do Nickleback covers.

@Tuck: Please change your avatar to DiBiase's (former) sidekick, Virgil

Well, a pickle is more popular on Facebook than Nickelback
so i guess anything can happen, eh?

"For shizzle!"

Just hide in the shitter, then!

This treatise was first postulated in 1985 by P.W. Herman, a professor in semantics and pederasty at Playhouse University.

I've got Melt Mania!


"Also, she probably could have just gone back to the US and had an abortion if she really wanted to."

Mississippi leg lamp?

i laughed/came

@toast: If that post is any indication, good luck understanding anything pod bay says. that L&O graf made NO sense

The mind is willing, but the flesh is spongy and weak.


What is an ichbas?