Hausia Dompa

Losing my (Southern Baptist) Religion

That post is so cromulent I want to xerox it onto a kleenex

What is a cool hat?

Naw, we rape the shit out of them at the Number Six Dance later on.

Ha ha! The sandwich-heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor!

Remember, if it's Jon Hamm's john ham, don't wipe your ass with it.


I? as in roman numeral 1? die.

We're raping all the benjamins here?

nice vest
I didn't read the story, so in my rush to be first, that's all I've got.

John C. Reilly wants to be in the Chalmskin business.

Log in and say that, Hannity.

I lichen that to a lobotomy

I got the Wrestler from Redbox. Good flick.

In AV Club comment board, M1ngle babies you!

If I'd hit the Remorse button one more time I would'a made it.

that song and album sucked

didn't you forget to wish them luck?

She's a g. A girl g.

"You gotta grow a 10 o'clock shadow, Jay!"