Can You Count Suckas

That's because it's hook-centered garbage and the verse literally does not matter.

I detest songs like this. Songs so obviously written just around a hook designed to get play in as many commercials for products and upcoming shows as possible. Throw that Imagine Dragons song in this pile and that "toniiiigggght, weee are yoouuunngggg" song, too. Utter cynical garbage.

In a surprising turn of events, Krissi's son will be on Masterchef Junior).

I'm just glad Eddie was off the show, lest Paula ask him to dress up like Snowball from Django

There were a few Asians, though.  Of course, they didn't have accents, so I think "The Orientals Who Talk White" are okay on the Sliding Scale of Racism.

When Krissi admitted to copying everybody else's baskets, I realized that this show needs to have everyone go into the kitchen separately for these "taste it and then make it" challenges.

Oh hell yes, Krissi's Harvey Dent steak was an embarrassment.

Krissi Horrible Accent Alert:

Tonight's Masterchef Mystery Box Challenge: THE MOST AMAZING BLUE SKY

Oh god oh god Krissi's white trash accent drives me up the wall.