Young Fry Of Treachery

Are all these still reposted comments?

Before we all jump in and laugh at the overreaction of those silly conservatives to this lame grab for attention, can we take a moment and reflect on how each of us, personally, responded to the Pissing Pug Statue scandal of this morning, or that time a couple days ago when a right wing journalist bought a ticket to a

Well, I'm just an idiot then, because when I buy a publicly available ticket to a movie theater, I assume that they'll have a seat for me, regardless of what they're doing with the profits.

Trespassing? Didn't he buy his ticket?

"What is that thing that Spock says that isn't 'Fascinating…'?"

Contestant chit-chat: Seth had a "brush with greatness" when he
encountered Bears quarterback Jay Cutler, who he described as the "most
successful quarterback we've had, probably ever", which tells you a lot
about the team's historic struggles filling that position.

The unspoken assumption of yanking "culturally appropriative" costumes is that the white folk are the market. It's a kinder, gentler white supremacy.

OK, I've figured it out: Dany had one of the Red Priestesses glamor Dario to make him look like Varys. That's the only possible reason that Varys could appear in Dorne and then also appear on the stern of the Ironborn/Dothraki/Unsullied armada flagship behind Khaleesi, on their way to Westeros, right?

Then you have a problem with the American judicial system. Thiel didn't spend millions on private investigators to hound writers' to the point of suicide, a la Scientology. He didn't threaten endless frivolous lawsuits that would have tied Gawker up in court for decades. He hired very competent lawyers, and justice

I cackled so loud when Jason answered "Who is W. E. B. Due Bwah".

Billy And The Clonosaurus, available in fine bookstores everywhere.

*Tweets Magic Johnson's home address*

Aldrin and Lightyear? I thought they would know that sort of thing.

Agent Beige Falseflag!

"Oh what's that, Agent Hunk McSulkface? After this day of violent betrayal you say that you want to see Garrett in pain or some such unnecessary bullshit? Sure, why not? He may have been your superior officer while at the same time organizing a cadre of Hydra sleeper agents within our ranks, but he's been apprehended

Worst. Fanfic. Ever.

Amy Winehouse - "Fuck Me Pumps"

IF Dads gets cancelled?!

You're right! Assuming that the red team got the same proportion (1 of 3) of all 101 surfers, then the odds of getting the first 22 votes is

Yeah, but what was the point? To make it more dramatic for the audience? We saw Bri and Krissi screaming at each other back on the set in the promo, so we already knew that the Red team was going to the pressure test before the fish hit the grill.