Young Fry Of Treachery

It's been many years since I've taken a stat course, so I'll show my work. Correct me if I'm wrong:

Hugh: So Padma, would your roller derby name be Padma Smacks-mi?
Padma: That's funny, Hugh. Did you stay up all night thinking that one up?

Hugh: So Padma, would your roller derby name be Padma Smacks-mi?
Padma: That's funny, Hugh. Did you stay up all night thinking that one up?

Monday's episode was called "Top Six Compete Part 1". The Top Six did not compete. They watched from the sidelines as the Middle Eight competed.

Monday's episode was called "Top Six Compete Part 1". The Top Six did not compete. They watched from the sidelines as the Middle Eight competed.

Oh, no, it comes with the video too. And if you miss it today it will probably still be $4 tomorrow. Can't be sure about the next day though.

SPOILER ALERT: She proved irredeemable

He lost 70 pounds since that shot, after his friends said "nice magazine photo, fatty." I hope he has other, more attractive friends now.

Ok, I know how to win next challenge. I'm gonna take my old college dry erase board and put it on the gallery wall, and the judges will swoon about how fucking interactive it is.

This season spent its two opening episodes showing how they winnowed the field down to the creme de la creme, and tonight, it was a tale of two cake wrecks. One was a shapeless white lump studded with flowers and needed doweling rods to keep its slouch manageable. The other was a hideous neon tricolor that got called

Really? I read that in The Value Of Nothing by Raj Patel

“The Cure”

Brightblack Morning Light:

Sara's stuff this week may have resembled generic commercial art, but at least it had that going for it. Tewz's crumbling concrete looked like a D- in shop class. Middle school shop class.

Actually, I thought that this was Viktor's competition to lose, which he did. If he had just put the effort that he had put into his best into all of his looks, the judges would've had to acknowledge his superior construction skills and marketable urban style edge out Anya's gorgeous but samey islandwear.  Instead,

Now now, we still have Work Of Art.

Oh crap. I need to get my record store a card.

I get it!

What? Next you'll be telling me Larry the Cable Guy isn't really a cableperson!

Where's the old lady? You mean Clara Peller? I think she died.