Young Fry Of Treachery

Strangecakes here we come

Space Mutiny is a good choice, but for my money "Overdrawn At The Memory Bank" is the best introduction to MST3K. Like Mutiny it has some great themes and running gags to work with, the action is risible, but doesn't suck the air out of the room, and a newbie would get a lot of mileage wondering how Raul Julia got

Prairie Home Companion

I think everyone here has seen the Plinkett reviews one too many times.

I essentially disagree that they are Lucas's films. They were a collaborative effort from hundreds of skilled hands and creative minds, and when Lucas single-handedly goes back and inserts "NOOO!!!" to the scene where Vader throws the emperor down the shaft, he shows utter contempt for the people who worked hard to

In his defense, I don't think Bert was deliberately throwing the race, I think that it's because he's an overweight, 57 year old, recovering alcoholic. That was probably about as fast as he could go.

Blossom Dearie - "Everything I've Got"
I have a powerful anesthesia in my fist
And the perfect wrist to give your neck a twist
Hammerlock holds, I've mastered a few
But everything I've got belongs to you!

He beat Bent Larsen and Mark Taimanov so badly, they burst into funny looking octagonal coins.

Oops, just saw the secxond half of the penultimate paragraph. Never mind!

Nothing to say about the Sonny storyline?
Seriously, nothing? His anti-Mardi Gras oyster boat rehab stint might be a turn-around for the loathsome dope fiend. Granted, he's been pushed out there at gun-point, but it's still a move in the right direction.

Hubert Keller…
…was on the first season of Top Chef Masters, not the second.


I second that, Realist. I've only read the introduction and the first chapter, but, like The End Of Faith, it's a book that takes aim at fish in barrels that sorely need to be shot.

Sgt, You most certainly do need a man-made construct like science to have a man-made construct like your computer to have this conversation. Then again, you might be more content still not having it.

Tofu… Yeah, that's gonna be your food porn protein of choice, and I say that as a vegetarian.

"[cue Catwoman jokes]"
I was gonna talk smack about Gothica

"there was a lot of consensus in both Group A and Group B over the best and worst dishes"
This may well be the pressure of conformity. The first person to loudly declare her opinion will have a lot of influence over the others. Once another joins in the first's opinion, the rest would feel cowed by the majority

Anyone remember "Art School Confidential"?
The first half was a fine mockery of art school pretension and college in general. The second half fell apart by pursuing its thin plot at the expense of its humor.

Did the aliens really develop interstellar space travel and not notice that water is the second most common molecule in the universe and is in its liquid form between 0C and 100C, the temperature that earth is in the spots they're invading? Add to this the premise that faith is based upon having preposterous

They did that already with K Street and then gave it the ax for no good reason.