Donald Trump


This site is total waste of time to read, boring and biased. Full of liberals and dopes. I'm only here because I'm great friends with Vin, who is one of the toughest, but also nicest, guys I know by the way.

I love NASA. I have a ton of friends in NASA. And they've all told me they support me for president by the way. But there is no way I'm going to spend money on Space Station. Frankly, it's a waste and when I'm President, Russia will be BEGGING us to use theirs. You'll see

It wasn't a pretty decent solution, it was the best solution. If they had listened to me they would have kept credibility. But they didn't so now they have none. Sad!

Vin is a great actor, just terrific. We're great friends. Vin and Ariadna are going to be one of the beautiful love stories of all time. And let me tell you, if I still ran Miss Universe she would have won the whole thing

Some things the AV Club missed:  Obama begged me to let him be on the show, and frankly, he could use the good ratings but I wouldn't let him on.  The pleasure I would get from firing him would be immense but then it would just send him back to being President and frankly, I can't let that happen.  Also, this will be