Nathan Adams

Until he showed up with the eye patch I definitely thought they killed Kenny.

Free HBO weekend here finally gave me a chance to check out 'Girls', 'Veep' and 'Enlightened.' Only a glimpse but I thought all three were worth the hype – 'Enlightened' slightly less so than the other two, but from what I can surmise it's a little more dependent on the larger story arc. I was already planning to

My homteown O'Charley's was disintegrated in a hurricane. But my family we was always more Golden Corral kinda folks, anyway.

I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks "Sea Change" is better than "Midnite Vultures" has forfeited the right to an opinion. It's Sexx Law.

My guess is Bob Benson's sexuality doesn't surface again, unless/until Pete uses it to stab him in the back in the same fashion that Don did Sal. It's an insight into the character but probably not going to become a plot device.

@avclub-5bbc67c39fbdf1c74e28b86c595f6e4a:disqus I think it's a major misreading of Sal to describe him as "driven by his loins" or "feeling everyone out." Sal was in total denial of his sexuality, even to himself. Every time a man hit on him – never the other way around – he was surprised and tended to rebuff them*.

Don had the perfect suburban family and relentlessly sabotaged it. He doesn't know what he wants.

In my church camp as a kid the lyrics were "Father Abraham had many sons / And many sons had Father Abraham / And I am one of them / And so are you / So let's just praise the Lord." No hand motions that I recall. But I'm sure there are variations across time and geography.

I've said this before but it is difficult for me to reconcile the genuinely driven, generous Ted of this season with the glimpses of petty, manipulative Ted we saw in season four.

Don't worry, Peggy will find her niche in the Ambulance Chic craze.

When he gets going, Angry Pete has easily surpassed The Pillar and Bert Cooper's Silently Disapproving Secretary as the most reliably hilarious aspect of this show.

It won't be immediate, but like Don with Sal, Pete will find an excuse to cut Bob down to size in the future. Maybe not this season, but at some point.

"Nobody ever said that to young Dick Whitman!"

I'm not the least bit surprised Bob Benson is gay, but I am thoroughly disappointed in his taste in men.

What is the consensus re: Kamau Bell? From what I've seen I really want his show to be better than I think it actually is.

Still waiting for the arc chronicling her influential folk breakthrough, "The Freewheelin' Betty Francis."

Note also the inescapable emergency sirens in the distance during both of Don's conversations with Megan in  "The Better Half," in which she's wearing the Sharon Tate Vietnam shirt. At the time I considered it symbolism for the state of their marriage, but given the shirt and evidence above it could conceivably play

Personally I am just thrilled that this theory exists.

No, but Pete Campbell is the Lizard King.

I think that line was very relevant to 1968. Reagan was gathering steam as a reactionary, and the old guard – especially in California – would have been particularly attuned to a "patriotic" hard-liner in the wake of the hippy rioters at the DNC. Of course right-wing businessmen would be expressing those sentiments at