Cheeseburger In Hell

It's a testament to how razor-sharp the satire was in "This Is Spinal Tap" that people are still interested in these songs more than a quarter-century later. Christopher Guest & company absolutely nailed their target, to the extent that these parodies are more beloved than the entire catalog of bands such as, say,

Here's what your history book won't show
You're a dead man for fuckin' with American dough
They're killing several birds with one stone
While you're at home with anti-terrorism up in your dome

In the future, instead of writing "it's his twin brother" you should use the internet shorthand IHTB. It's pretty common stuff.

What's a book?

I'm sure Madden will un-retire if Favre does the same. Theirs is a bromance for the ages.

The fact that the actor who played Marty killed himself makes his character's abuse at the hands of his classmates rather chilling. "Slaughter High" is otherwise an extremely goofy and cheesy slasher that can be quite fun if you're in the proper frame of mind.

How long before they combine these two "Late Night" Doritos into one bag, so all the chips have intermingled spices that taste awful together.

I heard this in a car
This shit sounds exactly like "Siamese Dream". The guitars and drums clearly evoke Butch Vig-era Pumpkins, it's really uncanny. Maybe for their third album they can recreate a vintage Flood production (remember him?) replete with tinny, nasally vocals.

I remember eating this
I actually liked it, the cereal itself tasted like Apple Jacks. Except it was arrow-shaped.

I remember eating this
I actually liked it, the cereal itself tasted like Apple Jacks. Except it was arrow-shaped.

Oh wait, I get it now. Uh, I mean I got it SEVENTEEN seconds ago!

"At this point I have zero interest in the first thread of any given article on this site. "

Wow, that must have been some blowjob.

The House series has always been a fertile ground for discovering politically-minded intellectuals. For example, Bill Mahar acted in "House II: The Second Story" long before he became host of Politically Incorrect.

It's a well-known fact that the Beatles were originally formed around Ringo's formidable talents as a drummer. It was his deft instrumental skill that propelled the band and gave them their raison d'etre. Hence they are the BEAT-les, and not the Strum-blebees or some other nonsense.

Paul Blart Rulz
Not since Volcano vs. Dante's Peak has there been a more mismatched pair of copycat movies. Are there really still "mall cop comedy" dollars to be made? Didn't Paul Blart make like a gazillion dollars already? Get ready for a slew of newly-bankable star Kevin James vehicles, and please refer to

Haley's a fine actor and should make an ideal Freddy, but it must be a little disconcerting when you become the go-to guy for child molester roles.

I used to have around 100 former VHS rental tapes in those old, oversized clamshell cases. They were mostly horror/drive-in titles, but the movie itself didn't matter as much as the big box. If you lined them up on a bookshelf it looked like part of a rental store from the early 1980's. Had to get rid of 'em

I used to trust Sincere Sensei, mostly due to his unflappable sincerity.

Snow Angels 2?
Is there really a rumored sequel to Snow Angels, or is that a little April Fool's Day snark?