Cheeseburger In Hell

Does the A.V. Club get a stake of the Watchmen movie gross or something? I love this site, but the round-the-clock Watchmen coverage is a little strange considering the film seems destined for a future MYOF entry.

You might also consider using capital letters to start your sentences. Oh, now I'm just picking nits! I'm not going to waste any more time fumbling for that elusive shift key. ahh, that's much better.

If you were owned by Dhalsim, you must have sucked. Throw a fireball fer chrissakes. I agree that the SNES version was highly addictive — the first ever 16 meg cart! To this day I can only play Street Fighter with a control pad.

I'm a fan of this series, and I think they're overall consistently entertaining (if you're into this sort of thing). I'm fairly certain that Part VII is the worst of the Paramount run, but Jason Goes To Hell is easily the nadir of the Jason franchise. Fans go crazy that Jason isn't the killer in the underated fifth

Do you know what they call a hamburger in Germany? Actually, they call it a hamburger, because it originated in Hamburg.

Yeah, I think claiming a commentary track as part of the canon is really stretching the notion of what constitutes a cult film. It's not like people have their friends over and hoot and holler throughout the discourse, drinking lime margaritas and throwing Variety magazines at the screen when Dobbs loses it. Not

Is This It?
The first Strokes album is a front-to-back classic, although I highly recommend the original UK version. The post-9/11 US release swaps out the awesome "New York City Cops" for the inferior B-side "When It Started".