Someone getting sick after a trip to South America?
That ain't news.
Someone getting sick after a trip to South America?
That ain't news.
Being old is nearly always fatal.
She declared that she would write a nasty letter.
Molly McMoll.
Who does?
Like winning a race at the Special Olympics.
Black genocide - Church's Chicken
This will go perfectly with my "Heywood Jablomi" collection.
Cancer is life. Growing, devouring, choking life.
And Peter Gunn, who invented the gun? Yeah, he got shot.
And that restroom in Santa Monica.
I'm thinking that even if you don't drink or do drugs, or you stick to Kosher or not, or if you're a man or a woman or a dog or a rat, you're gonna die.
Lotsa new ground to be broken there.
Does he "speak-sing" like Shatner?
Put some Vick's Vaporub in em.
That there's just boilerplate.