
English not being my first language may have to do with it, but I don't get it :( Mind explaining?

In fairness, at least Ramsay knowing about Osha through Theon - and thus seeing through her methods - made sense. The outcome made sense, but as stated in the review would've been more impactful if Ramsay wasn't killing someone in every scene.

Absolutely. I was willing to give Dorne a second chance because I figured the writers got the feedback from last season. Then after what they did this season, no thanks. Or maybe they did get the feedback and decided to put Dorne in as little as possible.

Ah, how I'd missed Littlefinger.

"But that was a low key phenomenal conversation"

To be fair, rehydrated raisins do get pretty similar to grapes.

Jay is Christian, Gloria is Catholic, plenty of moderate religious people in the show, no need to worry.

Huh, where did they show that Christians "as a a whole" are unaccepting of gay people? Pretty sure Jay is Christian. And Gloria is likely Catholic. I didn't get that impression from the show at all. All they did was write a punchline around an often quoted line from the Bible.

… Are we judging comedies based on real life accuracy now? So weird, I thought it was hilarious.

I really don't get hate watching…

" Try maintaining a relationship with a mentally disturbed person and then you'll know how draining it is."

I can't be the only one that feels that Gary Cole looks a lot like Kevin Bacon? Kevin Bacon who, of course, played a nazi scientist in X-Men First Class. Was probably not a reference to that, but still made me think of that.

Not sure if the Khaleesi part is a joke about how people think that's her name, or not…

The show's terrible with continuity (wouldn't be surprised if we never see Sanjay again), but at least the jokes were there this episode.

That was very fitting, IMO. Not sure how much of it was acting.

Pretty sure that was already a reinforced sports bra.

She's incredibly flawed and not very good for Louie… but I'll be damned if I'm not fascinated by her scenes with him.

You should turn it off so we can the best odds of Yahoo renewing it! Or not, I'm not a cop. But I feel 3-4 adverts are a small price to pay for the return of Community :)

Oh god, I hope you're right and it's just a character arc. Because I'm starting to think "I want to fuck this blonde" is the entire plot for the show.