
obviously it's a good thing but since a million bucks is making the news i wouldn't say it's really all that much money for a company worth $70 billion or whatever (if we are going to measure a companies goodness by how charitable they are). tell me when they donate something like $100 million for victims and put some

avclub doling out the important shit

top notch journalism here lol

all these 20 years olds need to take some time to chill the fuck out

no victim impact statements should decide the sentence someone gets but that drummer should read that statement before saying such fucking awful shit.

i thought the title meant she shouted it out in the middle of the movie which is pretty hilarious but this is undoubtedly so nerdy and that's cool cause the stars? they're JUST like us

yep. just using celebs to mirror our own beliefs.

we shouldn't be doing anything it's none of our business

ask what? i dont understand what you're saying there.

i agree in principle with what you're saying because its sort of true but she should have called the cops. you go through all this trouble of taking pictures but you don't call the police and only bring it up when a costly divorce is on the line. i, of course, am not saying she is lying but when divorce hearings are

hey im supposed to exist in a bubble here! jk :)

i didn't say they don't know exactly what they're doing, ya freakin turd. i am pretty sure netflix is paying them for news placement and reviews. it's still all incredibly lame and boring regardless of motive.

do you know how many movies are made and released all the time? i understand a single website has to choose but one(me) must wonder if perhaps some poor choices are being made about what movies are watched. at a certain point you can only blame yourself, avclub movie reviewer.

how are there so many yard sard signs, that's just incredible i love it

think of all the movies that don't get reviewed by this website

the world is stupid oh well at least the world is only made of money

just wrote the same thing and then saw this. no you're not the only one. it's us.

i preferred season 2 to season 1. i thought season 1 was pretty disappointing
