
we hate on black friday but love this? get fucking real psyhcopaths

shut the front door, you mean time travel is possible?!

i dunno. once you start putting out covers record after covers record you get that winding down, reverting to infancy thing

i'll have what she's having (drugs)

i'll watch it. and i'll enjoy it. but i wish they would stop making shit like this.

pretty sure bob dylan dies by the end of the year

james bond is stupid

so don lives to be 89?! FINALLY, closure.

that shane character was the best of the night and an instant classic. incredible.

cool packaged spiritual heaviness bro

what exactly is divisive about pet sounds?

readers, have you tried sticking a bar of gold in your pussy or asshole? because it's just delightful

15 grand what is it made of gold or something? *clicks stupid link* Yep.

joan allen should have had and should have a way better career for how incredible of an actor she is. the unbelievable range of her subtlety has cast her as supporting wives and mothers mostly which is tragic. she is even getting better with age.

if you want to break down this bias shit for real how about giving real roles to real actors who train themselves to take on roles with depth instead of to someone who walks through the front door because of how they look. fact remains she would have to go through a major overhaul to be taken seriously as an actor.

thats the spirit.

daredevil was crap when all was said and done but my point isn't that netflix is bad it just shouldn't be synonymous with digital content just because it's popular. it's like calling digital content Netflix like calling tissue paper Kleenex. i'm trying to stop something here!

downloading torrents saves me both time and money. fuck everyone for making a brand (netflix) the name by which we refer to all digital content.

oh shut up

please provide link to recent announcement