
i know im mired in this shit. sometimes you transcend sometimes you dont what do you want from me the same standards by which i hold up others?

im a fool ill cop to that

it's definitely no coincidence that the young, bald, bare chest of a muscular, fit man looks eerily similar to that of the calf of a young fit woman and we see about equal kinds of airtime for both

"how can we be enticing and get people to click on this article while also being righteously indignant and also socially correct?"

first: are those three movies at the top even made in hollywood?

at this point i'm just rooting for wrestlers to make it into old age. good luck all.

not so into the ashes to ashes but i appreciate michael stipe sort of musically dissecting the poetry of the lyrics. the man who sold the world he did on tv was great

i cant watch flaming lips anymore. its too much cringe. but i like this softer space oddity. the bowie version i always found to be a too harsh, despite being into the songwriting.

this advertisement isn't available in my country. shame.

just like with louis ck, she's starting to bore me with preaching and siding with not being too funny instead

this review takes a personality trait and makes it a character flaw. fucking horrible understanding of the world around you whatever writer i didnt look the name of. fucking shame.

how long have the n's in the bold font been so insane?

so what? you made a bad investment. big fucking whoop. it'd be cool if i could go on howard stern to tell everyone how i make no money as one of the greatest living songwriters then maybe i'd get paid somewhat closer to accordingly

anyone else notice the banana hammer?

all i see is nicolas cage being sucked into vince neils lame ass world

vinyl is TERRIBLE show but it's not going to get any better from this. live and die with the creator.

don't worry, we understand

i think actually they used a wheelchair for that shot

im pretty sure i said this last week but watching this all just feels like a bomb waiting to drop for the reason why we don't see certain characters on breaking bad (not to mention the bombs that drop during breaking bad).

what other reason do you have for all that you are being clueless about right now?