Vonotar the Waiter

It's just vaguely possible that even among the relatively tuned-in crowd that frequents the A.V. Club, a lot of people haven't encountered things you consider "entry-level." Might also be the case that, although it's been going on for decades, bullshit social-climbing elitism has no place in discussion of the arts.

@avclub-5d8773d363076bb7f4feaf912d970935:disqus: It would have seemed sort of odd if the documentary had not mostly showcased them.

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus: I frequently have no idea what I'm talking about. But I'm not sure what you mean in this case. I was making the fairly indisputable point that you can't really judge how someone works based on a few minutes of a documentary,

You probably have a good handle on his role there from watching a few minutes of him in a documentary.

It's a fact: Liking some music makes a person intrinsically better than other people who like other music.

Holy shit. That got deleted from my history immediately.

@avclub-5b6da071b8f448854d65ee3992a85c7f:disqus Why is it phony? The word "friend" has about a thousand gradations; and even if it didn't, "I feel as though I've lost a friend" is an idiom, not signaling to anyone besides pedants and trolls that one  literally feels like they've lost someone they've been personally

@avclub-5b6da071b8f448854d65ee3992a85c7f:disqus Ebert became the best-known movie critic in America because he had a voice — because even though he was just a guy who reviewed movies, he connected in a way that made millions of people feel like he understood them. He also wasn't afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve,

@avclub-960547bf92b85e53a15ffe559d3401b5:disqus Yeah, I'm being unfair. I was about six weeks into fatherhood with a new and very colicky baby, and so I went to Chicago exhausted and was not in the best place mentally to experience the show. I'd seen "Out of Control" once before, but that is an amazing song, and it

Yeah, I saw them debut "Your Blue Room" in Chicago in 2009, which was just fucking breathtaking, even before we checked online later and realized they'd never performed it live before that night. And then when they came back in 2011, they unexpectedly closed the set with a surprise additional encore of "One Tree

Aw, I was hoping for quirkily artful.

I'm not entirely sure that Nevada, California, Arizona, and then one date in New York actually qualifies as "an extensive US tour."

Strongly disagree. I feel like Kenneth veered over that line way more often over the course of the whole series, and he doesn't seem to get anywhere near the hate. Anyway, I like Hazel. She's so fucked-up.

Right. I barely know who the guy is, but even if you don't like his shtick, your response should not be, "I'm so glad a big entertainment corporation shamelessly ripped him off." Because the next time they do it, it might be to an artist you like.

It was the '80s, man.

Yes, he's "famous."

I think back when it was released, there was — at least among the bands themselves — a much sharper line drawn between long-haired hard-rockers like Aerosmith and hair-metal rockers like the Crüe. Compare photos from around the same time:

This is pretty clear cut; no one operating in good faith should find anything to argue with here.

Sacrilege. Hagar is great, but still.

Yeah, Lone Wolf's game system was flawed, as just about any game system meant to be self-contained in a 200-page paperback is probably gonna be. But it was pretty solid world-building with great mythology, good recurring characters, and strong overall storytelling; playing the books eventually took a backseat to