Vonotar the Waiter

Actually, I think the only detriment to not choosing Weaponskill in swords was that, then, the Sommerswerd only added 8 points to your Combat Skill, instead of 10. (At least in the first books; the benefits increased a little in the later titles.) Still, yeah — I chose swords.

Like @avclub-6313b25c79122b094fb57b32caa00218:disqus says, audience shots can have their place. When U2 released their 3-D concert movie a few years ago, I went and saw it in the theater, and the inclusion of the crowd made a huge difference. Obviously, that was supposed to be a slightly more immersive experience, or

Like @avclub-6313b25c79122b094fb57b32caa00218:disqus says, audience shots can have their place. When U2 released their 3-D concert movie a few years ago, I went and saw it in the theater, and the inclusion of the crowd made a huge difference. Obviously, that was supposed to be a slightly more immersive experience, or

For "Stuff We Missed" articles, you guys should mention the date the work in question was actually released. It's not essential — but the very premise raises the question and it would be nice not to have to go to Wikipedia to find out.

For "Stuff We Missed" articles, you guys should mention the date the work in question was actually released. It's not essential — but the very premise raises the question and it would be nice not to have to go to Wikipedia to find out.

To this day I still laugh literally every time it crosses my mind.

To this day I still laugh literally every time it crosses my mind.

Yeah, just got home from seeing it, and I really enjoyed it. But it felt like it could have been absofuckinglutely incredible if someone with a real talent for shooting fight scenes, especially in regard to pacing, had been handling it. I guess you could chalk it up to RZA very clearly wanting to emulate or pay homage

Yeah, just got home from seeing it, and I really enjoyed it. But it felt like it could have been absofuckinglutely incredible if someone with a real talent for shooting fight scenes, especially in regard to pacing, had been handling it. I guess you could chalk it up to RZA very clearly wanting to emulate or pay homage

Yeah, can't remember where I read that one, but it was terribly unsettling, and only gets worse the more you think about it.

Yeah, can't remember where I read that one, but it was terribly unsettling, and only gets worse the more you think about it.

I like it when movies have not one but two super-hot girls whom we're supposed to believe have trouble getting invited to the cool parties.

I like it when movies have not one but two super-hot girls whom we're supposed to believe have trouble getting invited to the cool parties.

@avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus & @avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus: Agreed. I'm positive it's in one of the Shakespeare stories, and pretty sure he's discussed it elsewhere, too.

@avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus & @avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus: Agreed. I'm positive it's in one of the Shakespeare stories, and pretty sure he's discussed it elsewhere, too.

@avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus: He definitely wrote his share of Christian apologetics, but I'd characterize his manner as more bluff than smug. To each his own, but I'd check out some of his other work, especially his nonfiction, before you dismiss him.

@avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus: He definitely wrote his share of Christian apologetics, but I'd characterize his manner as more bluff than smug. To each his own, but I'd check out some of his other work, especially his nonfiction, before you dismiss him.

Aw, c'mon. Let's gossip and speculate.

Aw, c'mon. Let's gossip and speculate.

I wouldn't call it feel-good, but it's pretty self-assured and on the whole — not exactly upbeat, but grounded in a faith in the human condition (and more important, in the divine).