Vonotar the Waiter

I read them last year, in my early 30s (after having dipped my toes in periodically in the years preceding), and loved them. Everybody's mileage may vary, but I don't know that I'd take a twelfth-grader's opinion much more seriously than a sixth-grader's. I don't mean that as a personal attack on you — I was a hell of

Maybe not if you didn't like it at all. But I finally finished the six-book Elric series I have (I'm not sure how the stories were organized originally, and I know they don't include every Elric story, but they form a coherent narrative), and I went from enjoying the first book (Elric of Melniboné) to just loving the

Maybe not if you didn't like it at all. But I finally finished the six-book Elric series I have (I'm not sure how the stories were organized originally, and I know they don't include every Elric story, but they form a coherent narrative), and I went from enjoying the first book (Elric of Melniboné) to just loving the

I have, I am sad to say, been the immature douche who acted exactly like Greenberg, and in almost exactly the same situation (being confronted with the reality that a girl I like has even a vaguely sexual past that does not revolve around me). I've made a bitchy comment like his about the lack of good beverages, and

I have, I am sad to say, been the immature douche who acted exactly like Greenberg, and in almost exactly the same situation (being confronted with the reality that a girl I like has even a vaguely sexual past that does not revolve around me). I've made a bitchy comment like his about the lack of good beverages, and

@avclub-1e8fe0da4da8133c923585a38122d53f:disqus : Don't call it that.

@avclub-1e8fe0da4da8133c923585a38122d53f:disqus : Don't call it that.

Spider Jerusalem's world-shaking newspaper column from the end of the first part of Transmetropolitan. That was some disappointingly hackneyed horseshit.

Spider Jerusalem's world-shaking newspaper column from the end of the first part of Transmetropolitan. That was some disappointingly hackneyed horseshit.

Some of us got it, Kyle.

Some of us got it, Kyle.

Sure, it all came down to a glowy cave, but really, what were people expecting? And is that really any sillier than quantum entanglement or whatever as a catch-all pseudo science solution they could have come up with?

Still so angry about the time I invested, and about the wasted potential, because it did start out so strong. For me, the most angry-fying species of internet commenter is the Lost defender, and specifically the Lost finale defender, the idiot who explains that if you're just willing to suspend what appreciation you

This is a quibble, but the latest Shadow and Phantom movie adaptations that have made it to theaters are not so much "recent" as almost twenty years old at this point.

Pretty sure there's a whole internet community based around the fantasy of Muppet rape.

Oh, that's great — thanks for writing and linking that.

"It’s as concerned with what we can get away with as whether we should."

Agreed. I'm at a computer most of the day in a private office, but my job is hard to do while listening to other people talk, and I rarely drive far enough to warrant loading up podcasts for the trip. I sorta feel like I'm missing out on something, but I just don't care enough to figure out how to fit podcasts into my

Seriously. "You wanted clickbait? WE'VE GOT SOME."