
I'm no prude, but I agree. I almost watched this with my elementary school-age kids because it sounded like something they'd like. But then "I would fuck those up" happened and I'm glad I didn't call the kids in. Like I said, it's not me being a prude, it just wasn't necessary (and, honestly, sounded very forced, as

Also scientists don't go and stick their faces and hands right up to alien creatures. There was just no reason for these characters to behave so stupidly. The same basic events could have happened without them being morons.

That's what made the story so great that first time through. While I was reading it, a coworker and I were discussing it and midway through I brought up alternate timelines, parallel universes, etc. He wouldn't really respond, and when it finally clicked, I was so glad to have not had it spoiled at all. I reread it

I feel the need - the need for a repeat!

I thought it was well done until he comes upon Morgan Freeman's band of Mad Max wannabees. Then it just became another high-tech shoot-em-up and I lost interest.

He'll be back as a Force Ghost.

"Kiera Knightley looking good"
Sometimes that's all you need.

Man, no mention of Reznor's "Driver Down"? That out-NINs the actual NIN tune on the album by huge margin.

A 14 minute video on 1-minute muffins. Someone is a chatterbox.

That's so wizard!

I think you've missed the point. It's not about the whole "dream job" thing, it's about the constraints that come from achieving that dream job. Everyone thinks that being a big-selling artist means you get to do what you want, but in reality, to stay on top, you have to be a part of all of it - marketing, publicity,

Was going to ask the same thing. WTF does that even mean?

This is really going down a black hole, s[o]n.

Because it's unsettled - an unfinished thought, a stray hanging string that you have to tug at because it's there. When someone dies, someone you don't actually know, but whose art has touched you, there's no real sense of closure. Sure, we're not friends or family, but we know these people in a different way through,

I haven't even seen them and that scene is all I think about when these films are brought up.

"audiences may be desiring something more topical than Fallon’s personal brand of humor and popular song covers with kid instruments."

What beaches are you going to where getting covered in oil is a concern?

I guess it's that time of year again for the Chastising Of The Cargo Shorts?

Hopefully they incorporate a shrill, shrieky little girl character. That is really what made the Tom Cruise version the classic that it is.

It's just an AV Club template. "[Insert metal band here] still shreds on toy instruments."