Muchas gracias :)
Muchas gracias :)
The penis mightier
It was her +3 cold weather defense armor so she didn't lose hearts over time in the frozen tundra
Doubt it… He never warged into anything else that was undead while he was north of the Wall. Who knows tho… Show's pretty much given up on explaining what the hell Bran's doing
Nobody tops that Shkreli fucker
Racist name by the way
-Beth Sanchez
Exactly what a Leo would say :p
Sounds on par with how much D & D seem to care about any of the prophecy aspects of the story
Hopefully with Tyrion fishing him out. Probably won't happen, but a guy can dream
I rooted for Cersei when she blew up the Sept. Fuck those sparrows and Loras's whiney ass. Was sad to see Margaery go tho :'(
I just want all the Greyjoys to die already and for Jon and Dany to finally get to the incest we deserve
Yokozuma, rip
Lester neigard made me feel that way
Really, everyone from veep
True enough, but Meadow at least was born into it. Carm had her eyes open and loved it anyways… Jewish psychologist episode really drove that home for me
I'd also put Davos up there, uneducated as he may be.
Well, she did tell him just to kill himself last season if he couldn't get over all his recent torture… Seems consistent
Keith or Karl?
My parents included. They both voted for Clinton in MI at least, but generally they vote more on personality than actual issues
Why don't YOU go get a drink with Mitch McConnell?!