
Based on the sample size I have, EVERYTHING @avclub-11f9e78e4899a78dedd439fc583b6693:disqus writes or says is boorish, childish and contributes nothing to the conversation.

Rum Sodomy & the Lash: Sick Bed of Cuchulainn => The Old Main Drag

I would want to play as Robert Wyatt because that wheelchair is probably tricked out with missiles and trumpets and whatnot.

It would be a remake, not a reboot (not a series that is being started over), so you could have just avoided that term altogether. And I agree with you.

"I thought it was a funny script, and then we shot it, and I looked at it, and I thought, 'Maybe it's not that funny.'"

I met him when I was a freshman or sophomore in college and he was very nice, gracious, etc. May have helped that I had a word to pass along from a mutual friend - I dunno but I was surprised that he really did know her.

Especially Mongla.

The epsiode Stalag SCTV with Fred Willard was one that stood out for me. But I'm a sucker for anything Fred Willard does so take that as you will.

I was 11 but it was my first R-rated film without a chaperon too.

I don't think "straightforward" is an accurate way to describe the Cramps' covers. "Psychobilly" does a much a better job describing their covers and originals.

I don't think "straightforward" is an accurate way to describe the Cramps' covers. "Psychobilly" does a much a better job describing their covers and originals.

That's what Justin Bieber sounds like to me too.

This is disappointing. Statham seems like he could be a perfect Parker.

Also, first concerts:
Oldest: Art Brut at the Hideout Block Party
Middle: The Feelies at Pritzker Pavilion
Baby: Black Sabbath at Lollapalooza or Pat Smillie Band at Lisle's Eyes to the Sky festival

Raising 3, ages 6 down to 10 months. The oldest got a huge dose of Beatles, Stones, Who and the Hives. Loves the Beatles' movies, but in general he doesn't seem to care about music. The now-3 year old girl got a lot of Slayer and Suicidal Tendencies early. She's cool with everything. The baby got a lot of rocksteady

I completely disagree. Side 3, in fact, might be my favorite side of the album.

You are saying that sides 3 & 4 are weak, do I understand that correctly?

I wasn't there but some of the ladies I was on a trip to Vegas with saw a stripper perform to the Star Wars theme while wearing…

Shadow of the Vampire isn't really a vampire movie for me. Too much of a satirical allegory.

Slater also starred in the episode of Phineas & Ferb that featured Paul the delivery guy.