
Minge and Gary made me believe in the power of voiceover as a useful tool for TV. That Trey and Matt were able to take a still shot of Oprah Winfrey's crotch and hold it for the last five minutes of the show is phenomenal to me.

You've got to do it with a pop tart to get the fully American effect.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Day Eve.

"Entertainment should help us soothe our brains so that we can ease our minds of some of the stress from our daily lives"
Theodor Adorno gasps, his monocle falling into the champagne he had been enjoying only seconds before.

Just from that sentence I know I would read David Stein's autobiography.

He did have a program like that! I even remember sending in a few… and by a few I mean nearly a dozen…

Guest starring: Abraham Lincoln!

@binkyman1776:disqus I got a Breaking Bad notification, a poster knew what I was listening to.

As a frequent audience member and someone who somehow managed to be friends with four count em four Randoms, only one of which I met through the show, I wholeheartedly delight in the AV Club's acceptance of the Chris Gethard Show as Good Comedy.

@sarccastro:disqus Ah, I see you've played Harlem-Shakey-Sentencey before.

Lest we forget, @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus , you also had The Sopranos and Six Feet Under, among others. Times don't change as much as we think they do. Or maybe I should just get off your lawn, because I was also in high school when Breaking Bad began.

Uatu shows up, except he's wearing a bowler and holding a briefcase. Special guest stars John Noble, Josh Jackson, and Anna Torv.

Every single member of Batman Inc, except Batman.

Oh god please Kord. He's basically Dumb Batman with more tech. Reyes is too much of a superhero, because he's all like "oh look at me, I actually can work the scarab! Ooooooh!"

No, Cobra Commander.

That girl has, like, zero self-respect.

@avclub-99709d43c60597cfe01d7d959fc166b1:disqus Marie bought it as a gift because she knows Hank likes cowboys. Hank got a kick out of the first episode but it all got a little too heady for him.

Having read the book as a highly precocious child myself, I enjoyed it. I really wonder what it would be like to reread it. That sentiment, the wariness of nostalgia, is also what kept me from picking this book up at B&N last week. This review didn't do much to convince me, and anyway I still have a huge pile to get

Hollywood's your answer.