locutus of brooklyn

Is AV Club going to review this? I kinda want them to.

I think it's partially because his schtick is "offputting," and some people don't like that kind of comedy, and/or feel like the man himself is offputting. He admits in real life he's a little creepy.

Why couldn't he just have said 'heal yourself?' !?!?!

So there was clearly a restaurant that was open that Lacey could have ducked into. I hate stuff like that, even though I know I should let it go.

I had your same thought about the hair thing, but I guess I wasn't paying attention and thought it was actual bleach. I guess she would have been screaming a lot more if that were the case.

I guess it's plausible in the sense that *maybe* there could be a way that genes could be altered to make us more able to sense one another's emotions, but you're damn right that if it were not proximity based it's pretty far of a stretch.

It wouldn't have to be a wallow. It could easily be Gene breaking out of the donut managing and clawing his way to redemption. Well, not easily, but I bet these writers could do it.

The mental world is real, as is the physical. We have our thoughts and our emotions and our drives and our psychologies in the real, physical world. We have language and books and news and stories there. And what we say and do to one another does shape that world.

I wonder if that's supposed to tie in with the themes of the show. Futility/non-futility, meaning/emptiness, use and purpose, connection.

Oops. I meant to post this in response to a comment below, but accidentally did on yours. It also fits though. :P

Hmm, I hadn't connected all the quantum dots; I'm glad I read the comments. There and not there at the same time, only an observer makes the thing real. So is Gloria the observer? She doesn't exist except to see, make note of? And that's where the meaning in the universe comes in.

Yep just google 'useless box' or 'useless machine.' They have a pretty long history. Thinkgeek sells a kit.

The box is a "useless box," or useless machine, and has a history stemming from at least the 1930s. It could have so many philosophical interpretations. Where meaning comes from in a complicated physical universe is one of them, as is fear or critique of technology (the Ray Wise conversation, the old chief's disdain

I know it probably isn't cool to post on a board that has been around for this long, but I have to get this out somewhere where it's at least a little bit relevant. And it's the Buffy Week 20th anniversary thing that made me do a rewatch now anyway. :P

"The first two seasons evoked an operatic struggle of feminism versus misogyny, an epic campaign of right versus wrong, shrunk down to fit the streets of Belfast. In some ways, that’s been its strong suit. Gibson is a character of unapologetic strength and defiance, feminist politics writ large. It’s unusual to see a

Back when this show was on I used to get the two actresses mixed up! But I think I have them sorted out, finally. :P

I have those bathroom dreams! I can't escape, and every time I think I find a stall clean enough to use, it gets worse. I have to go really, really badly. Oh, and I'm always barefoot. They are NOT pleasant dreams.