Sat Heezy

The Death of Effort
When I was a kid, I used to get really excited about the concept of the 'meritocracy' of record labels tumbling down and the idea that 'anybody with an idea' would soon be equipped to share that idea with the world at large and the world would be a better place due to the influence of millions of

Why do people hate Happy Hollow so much? It's a thematically consistent, fully-realized piece of pop storytelling, from back-to-front, and even if you don't appreciate the music you have to muster up a little bit of respect for a modern rock band essentially creating the score to a musical that never existed.

Unfortunate legacy….
Dilla was a great for sure but, in my opinion, the "messiest aftermath" he left behind is the legion of copycats that think ignoring the quantize button on their MPC's is gonna turn them into incredible producers too.