YHWH wuz here GRAD 99

I'm probably in the minority but I think I prefer Beware of the Maniacs. Both Visiter and Maniacs have their own specific aesthetic that they adhere to almost fanatically, and for whatever reason I prefer that of Maniacs. I'd agree that it's the less challenging of the two albums, and usually I'm up for MORE

Distraction. That's my take on it anyway. To make it as distracting and beguiling as possible.

Also, American Psycho is hilarious.

I saw Rules of Attraction after reading the Cult Canon entry here and I was prepared for a much more dismal movie than the one I saw. All the characters are repellingly self-involved but when Van Der Beek Bateman or whatever was speeding away on his motorcycle at the end, I was feeling pretty good about life.

I read Catcher in the Rye at exactly the right time in my life. If I'd read it any sooner or later, or in a non-barroom-setting, it wouldn't have meant as much to me. I didn't read it because anyone told me to, so maybe that's part of why it connected with me and part of why I don't attach any Pillar of Postmodern

I read the first Redwall book when I was nineteen and my brother was fourteen and he was always telling me I had to read these books, they were the best thing ever. I remember sitting up late during a Christmas break when I was home for the holidays, and I couldn't turn the TV on cuz it would've woken up my parents,