
TOTALLY. dick move, av club.

TOTALLY. dick move, av club.

my guess is the ones sean o'neal couldn't get a date with.

is actually guilty of one of my least favorite lyrics of all time. in the opening number for "into the woods," when the stepsisters are haranguing cinderella, the first enters to primp and insult her sister with,
"hurry up and do my hair, cinderella,
(to sister) are you really wearing that?"
the second sister


the titular line
they should call this one 5: Old Habits Die Hard.

ellie, i'm with you. i got through the book only because it was a quick read. do i care how original it is to write a dating memoir? no. i wanted to laugh. and i didn't. not only did she come off as pathetic most of the time, but she seemed to believe that wit was the automatic result anytime she merged a cliche with

"worst performance by an overmatched sexpot as a depressed amputee"
i still think ashton kutcher takes top honors in this race for "the butterfly effect."

babe: pig in the city *spoiler*
anyone? flealick's near-death experience? the camera pans from the rain-soaked doggy wheelchair before a night sky to show him in a sunny field, running on four good legs, chasing butterflies. makes me bawl every time.