
Apropos of nothing, where is that avatar from? Looks really familiar.

I'll always remember
My first Time.

He's the (mentally) illest rapper alive.

@Adolph: you got dead air, mate.

Sounds like someone ran off with Phelangood's Lucky Charms.

On a slightly related note, as a Washingtonian I take pride in the fact that they filmed parts of the movie on Mt. St. Helens. The fact that, after 29 years parts of the area around the volcano are still so destroyed that it looks like the aftermath of a ELE is pretty cool.

I predict…
…we'll see Chris Brown take a page out of the R. Kelly playbook—embrace infamy by building a comeback on over-the-top songs and videos. The only problem is girlfriend-beating is nowhere near as funny as peeing on underage girls.

I'm also a sucker for the micro-genre of "songs with wordless vocals". This category is also called "TV on the Radio's entire catalogue".