I Beat Khal Drogos Dead Horse

I think so. Traditionally, in modern times, a VP doesn't run until his boss leaves office or declines to run again, because otherwise running would pit him against the incumbent he served. If this fictional CIA VP's President served two terms, that would overlap with George W. Bush's second term.

I wish they hadn't decided to feature the vice president on this show. Presumably the George W. Bush administration never happened (they say the VP is getting ready to run for President, which probably means that his boss was elected in 2004 and can't run in 2012)— the Obama administration certainly isn't in power—

Whoa, Purnsley survived that savage beating he got in the jail and only has some nasty bruises to show for it?

I don't think it's odd that his face was blurry. He fidgeted. It wasn't exactly uncommon in a period when cameras had long exposure times.

I'm still not used to (semi-)evil greedy bastard Chief O'Brien.

I really hope that the scene doesn't mean that Brody is a full-blown terrorist informant like we're supposed to think.

I loved that show when I saw it in syndication when I was in my early teens. Haven't seen it for 10 years, though, so I don't know what I'd think now.

I'm not about to defend most of Season 8, but I think that part of Jim's evolution as a character was accepting his job as a paper (and now printer as well) salesman and focusing on things that are actually important to him— that is, his wife and his daughter. Season 1 Jim didn't have a family and really wasn't happy

I admit that I don't have a clear memory of what Cathy looked like, but who else could it be? Are they going back to the season 1/early season 2 convention of having random extras around the office?

It took me half the episode to remember that the pretty brunette in the office scenes was Pam's replacement.

Oh, wow. Up until this episode, I thought Homeland was simply a good show to keep watching. Now it's amazing, must-see television. It's a shame that Dexter has been mostly meh so far (though I haven't yet watched tonight's ep and I certainly don't buy into the "It's completely awful now!" narrative that seems to

I've been watching since the pilot due to the leads and the producers, but this is the first time I've laughed out loud instead of just chuckling or cracking a smile. It was the slap from Ava and the line afterward (including Maya Rudolph's delivery) that did it. That also allowed me to lol at the "Workout Mix"

Am I the only one who thought that Jim's enthusiasm in the cold open was at least half sarcastic?

In the first episode of Season 3, Chris and Ben said that the budget cuts didn't allow for new parks to be built. I don't think that situation has changed.