Sagman Bennett Robbins Oppenhe

Spicoli, it looks like you were a Penn undergrad and MIT grad student? I did the same. Do I know you?

On behalf of all the other Matt Cohens out there, congratulatios.

Sorry Mr. Harbinson, but it's Sagman, not Simon.  Those five gentlemen were Larry David's best friends in college, I believe.  Alas, my username worked a lot better under the old message board system, when there was no cap on the length of names.

Hank Venture!

You missed the best exchange from The Friars Club:

Oh come on, my username is too long now?  Oppenheim and Taft will be pissed.

My girlfriend had Always Sunny mentioned in her okcupid profile.  I sent her a message saying that I'm a full-on rapist.  The rest is history.

Ambulance name
Did anybody notice Chet's ambulance name/number? At one point I think they called it 1 Sandler 12, and later 1 Carolla 12. Wondering if I missed any other Adams.