How did Thor's hair get even yellower and Fabioer? I expect the Thor-centric follow up to "Toobular Boobular" any moment now.
How did Thor's hair get even yellower and Fabioer? I expect the Thor-centric follow up to "Toobular Boobular" any moment now.
Please let her leave Coogan out of this.
Heh, Larry the Cable Guy literally blows it.
Isn't it obvious? WE are.
Hobo in a suit.
Bro of shadows
Bro of shadows.
Considering the exponential rise of shit consumption jokes (and I don't mean bad jokes about tuberculosis), I'm thinking that it's going to turn out that Austin Powers 4 and the upcoming Human Centipede sequel are actually the same film.
Everyone knows that "UK asshole" = "US moderately rude, but actually totally endearing because d'awwww listen to that accent."
@forget_it_jake: About Gordon's spontaneous goodwill, as someone who's watched an embarrassing amount of the UK version of Kitchen Nightmares, I can say that the Gordon you see on Masterchef is much closer to the normal, happy, pleasant, UK Gordon. He's a genuinely friendly guy on the UK Kitchen Nightmares, which…
Ben is exactly the kind of contestant I usually abhor, but somehow I too fell under his spell.
Is remixing someone's dance asshole kind of like tossing their salad?
Yeah, the massive numbers of apes shown swarming over the Golden Gate Bridge in the trailer really bugged me.
Monday night
Fox Mulder, Cattle Rustler
Dammit. I wanted somehow — impossibly — for this to be good. Oh well.
I'd be more interested to know what your thoughts are on the teflon non-stick pan which made preparing those scallops such a breeze.
Minor women's whiplash
Do Suzy's facial contortions remind anyone else of Lynn from "I'm Alan Partridge?" Suzy constantly looks as if she's just learned what watersports are.
I hope he was watching tonight and realized that — although sheer coincidence — his shotgun schtick was REAL BAD timing what with the recent incident in Norway.