Yar, I'm unattractive

There are some rough times in Person of Interest but it keeps getting better and better.

I didn't say you were too PC. Calm down man, don't break your keyboard over a music review.

You're so PC. Grats.

I thought their self titled album showed that they went way further. It can't get better than that blink-182 wise. Easy Target and All Of This will always be my favorite tandem songs.

My Uncle, Jeff and his writing partner actually wrote this episode. I had no idea it was about our family until I listened to the commentary track.

Keep that shit off this site…god I hate reddit….

Wow, that was terrible, couldn't finish.

Todd…. I hate you and your stupid baby.

I always wanted to see her naked.

1 of 50,000

kiss me mooooowhowowwwwwth

Lycos, biatch.

1.) Two & A Half Men - The one where the kid farts.
2.) Glee - The musical episode.
3.) Dexter - The one with the CRAZY SHIT happening.
4.) Whitney - The one where you see her legs.
5.) 2 broke girls - The one with the hipster jokes.
6.) Teen Mom 2 - The one with the scene where the baby cries.
7.) Dancing With The Stars -


1 of 10,000

Well, that was a punch in the balls.

I am going to read this review sober tomorrow, otherwise I would think you were dissing on Happy Endings.


Didn't Bravo do that before their real housewives reality shit took over?

I couldn't agree more…. you must have read my review from the office thread.