He finally is loose for real.
He finally is loose for real.
I would expect it to have a small effect toward maintaining sanity, if they're in the demographic that cares about this stuff and comments here.
That's a good question. I would go with the Tyrells, except for the Simpson gene thing. The Manderlys might be o.k., except for the terrible in-laws. The Starks seem like a strong family unit, but they get fucked up in the war, and also it's gotta be rough up there in the winter. The Seaworths are probably the best…
If The Mountain was your big brother, it wouldn't be the people in Middle School you'd have to worry about.
@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus I don't know your particular obstacles, but what helped for me is just accept that you haven't had as much sex as other people and don't evaluate yourself on those terms. Just, next time you find someone you want to have sex with, make a move (don't worry about being…
I do provide that kind of stuff. Especially when the girl's on top, I like to let her know when it feels especially good, and I generally give notice when I'm close (in part as courtesy), and I never hold back with the natural noises (and I love when the girl is similarly vocal). I just can't get into the narrative…
@avclub-84ca205fe6bc691c41c3bfe5a2820a15:disqus One happy consequence of the generally unhappy event of me not having sex for a lot of my life was that by the time I got into the game, I was past the age where people had the stupidest of their stupid ideas about it. I really think the adult sex scene is much better…
I thought it was pretty bad, for all of the reasons everyone acknowledged, but dismissed.
@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus Oh. Just have sex with someone around your age in the next few years and you'll be fine.
I never did either. Eh. It never really bothers me. Have you had sex with girls in their early 20s? Try finding a really smart, philosophically mature girl around that age who feels like she's on your maturity level, and won't have misguided ideas about what she's getting into. It's a tall order for 18-19, but for…
Dear Savage Dik,
Yeah, let's be real. It solves very little and increases hatred. It's always fun to imagine bad things happening to bad people, especially when the bad people you choose are bad people in a way that's very distant from the way you're a bad person, but increasing the amount of suffering in the world to improve the…
Feel the same as @EvelKareebel:disqus Ellie, do you write other things?
I always thought of Ayn Rand as more of a rarely-pounded vag.
Yeah, count me in the column as well. Anyone making out for attention is annoying in the first place. Make out with someone because you're attracted to them and get the urge to make out with them.
I genuinely thought last week's episode was the season finale.
This show is good. I like this show a lot.
Yeah, they're committed the idea of restoring network TV to something it just won't be at this point.
Yes, and Modern Family should be more like Arrested Development and Carmelo Anthony should be more like LeBron James and handjobs should be more like blowjobs.