cornelius tree

I saw this movie and it was great. It's not a Tim and Eric film. Their sense of humor has a similar sense of ironic detachment to their characters', but this movie is interested in the lives of people who engage the world that way, not in telling a story through that lens. And Heidecker in particular showed a lot of

This is about hipsters in the most meaningful way though - people with little real direction in their life, an unwillingness to engage people sincerely, and a heavy sense of irony and detachment.

This is about hipsters in the most meaningful way though - people with little real direction in their life, an unwillingness to engage people sincerely, and a heavy sense of irony and detachment.

Were there? I saw it in the outdoor theatre at BAM, and I didn't notice any walkouts (I was near the front though).

Were there? I saw it in the outdoor theatre at BAM, and I didn't notice any walkouts (I was near the front though).

Peep Show is great. It's one of the best comedies of this generation.

Peep Show is great. It's one of the best comedies of this generation.

Got a different side of Poehler in that conversation. She played genuine sad, not cute-sad like Leslie Knope gets. She's so good at the Knope character and has been doing variations on it her whole career, but I'd like to see something with more range from her because I'm sure she could pull it off.

Got a different side of Poehler in that conversation. She played genuine sad, not cute-sad like Leslie Knope gets. She's so good at the Knope character and has been doing variations on it her whole career, but I'd like to see something with more range from her because I'm sure she could pull it off.

As much as I enjoyed Community, I think Louis CK would hate working on a show with that sensibility.

As much as I enjoyed Community, I think Louis CK would hate working on a show with that sensibility.

Really? You can't have a series of short dramatic stories?

Really? You can't have a series of short dramatic stories?

@chocolatestigmata I think they're in keeping with mix of absurdity and realism that governs most people's behavior on the show. Keep in mind they're Louie's kids - they're part of his world, not part of the insane institutions that make people act in ways he can't relate to.

@chocolatestigmata I think they're in keeping with mix of absurdity and realism that governs most people's behavior on the show. Keep in mind they're Louie's kids - they're part of his world, not part of the insane institutions that make people act in ways he can't relate to.

Jane is closer to that, but I think her interactions with the world are always played to make an interesting impact, or at least commentary, are on the situation.

Jane is closer to that, but I think her interactions with the world are always played to make an interesting impact, or at least commentary, are on the situation.

@avclub-c5fe25896e49ddfe996db7508cf00534:disqus Yes. "Return of the King" is probably the best one they did. 
@The_Misanthrope:disqus I think the tone is pretty clear, not just due to the underlying social sensibility, but the fact that they play EVERYTHING big, racist or otherwise. I've always been comfortable

@avclub-c5fe25896e49ddfe996db7508cf00534:disqus Yes. "Return of the King" is probably the best one they did. 
@The_Misanthrope:disqus I think the tone is pretty clear, not just due to the underlying social sensibility, but the fact that they play EVERYTHING big, racist or otherwise. I've always been comfortable

The biggest strength of C.K.'s narrative style is that he doesn't have to contrive the situations or story points - he finds where he wants to start telling the story and gets right to it. He's writing short stories instead of a serial. What's nice is that he's a good enough filmmaker that the set-ups are always