Jeez Banana

She was talking about the Monsignor when she was talking to him. I believe the line was "Monsignor thinks I'm crazy," but the way it was delivered did initially make it sound like she was saying "Monsignor, thinks I'm crazy," which still means (given her English is fine, if a little shrouded in weird Boston

She was talking about the Monsignor when she was talking to him. I believe the line was "Monsignor thinks I'm crazy," but the way it was delivered did initially make it sound like she was saying "Monsignor, thinks I'm crazy," which still means (given her English is fine, if a little shrouded in weird Boston

Tio was NOT the Monsignor, he was a Jewish Holocaust survivor & expert on Nazis. Did you miss the part where he showed the tattoo?

Tio was NOT the Monsignor, he was a Jewish Holocaust survivor & expert on Nazis. Did you miss the part where he showed the tattoo?

I used to work with Lara (outside of acting) and she's lovely. It was great to see her tonight. And nope, this is the first time we've laid eyes on her, but their chemistry would definitely lead you to believe she's been on a lot before.

I used to work with Lara (outside of acting) and she's lovely. It was great to see her tonight. And nope, this is the first time we've laid eyes on her, but their chemistry would definitely lead you to believe she's been on a lot before.

I usually don't feed the trolls but you, sir. You must be corrected.

I usually don't feed the trolls but you, sir. You must be corrected.

She was not coming off of drugs, at least not recreational. Literally everything, everything she did was classic behavior of a person who's bipolar in a manic state. It was spot-on. That's what's scary about it - it feels like you're on the best drugs in the world, but you're sober, so taking the medication that

She was not coming off of drugs, at least not recreational. Literally everything, everything she did was classic behavior of a person who's bipolar in a manic state. It was spot-on. That's what's scary about it - it feels like you're on the best drugs in the world, but you're sober, so taking the medication that

So, we're all okay with the fact that Peter is completely responsible for Neal's cover being blown?? How did he not know that Collins would use him? He even tried to do the same thing to Collins at the beginning of the episode! In fact, it was so incongruously boneheaded I was really expecting for it to have been a

So, we're all okay with the fact that Peter is completely responsible for Neal's cover being blown?? How did he not know that Collins would use him? He even tried to do the same thing to Collins at the beginning of the episode! In fact, it was so incongruously boneheaded I was really expecting for it to have been a

This is why I don't read the news. Fuckity fuck that is depressing shit. "Here, shoot some innocent people with these guns so we can write a 95-page report on your usage and somehow that information will help us end you." Kee-rist that is awful.

I've been waiting for someone to mention that. The whole time I was screaming "JIMMY KEEP HER AWAY FROM YOUR SON OH DEAR GOD NOOOOOOOOOO" but he didn't listen because that boy's head is a twisted nightmare right now.

Aw man..I didn't see that at the time but now that you mention it..gotta go put my head back in the toilet.

He hasn't watched the previews, and even if he had, he is bound by his own rules to only review/recap the episode just aired, not the episode+"next on" stuff. Settle down, friend.

Clay's responsible for Donna's death (so is Stahl, but Clay could've made better choices even back then) and now Piney. If he does succeed in getting Tara executed, he'll have killed both Opie & Jax's dads AND old ladies. That's ample reason for both of them to take that sonofabitch out.

I find it hard to believe that Romeo would be so willing to take the risk on himself. It makes more sense that he'd tell Clay to deal with it on his own. Why would he just be like "OK I'll clean up your mess for you. How's Thursday? My Thursday's wide open. Penciling that in there - 'kill doctor.' Got it."

Especially considering how much fuss was made over the Mitchell & Cam kiss from Modern Family (both leading up to it and afterwards)! This show, which attracts a generally older, more conservative audience has a full-on intimate kiss and then a discussion of tantric sex! The Modern Family kiss was just a teeny peck