
The funniest commercial was the Bud Light Platinum one that used Kanye West's "Runaway" as the music.

I'd like to read a review for a Nada Surf record that doesn't mention "Popular" - at least this review doesn't mention Weezer.

Pretty sure he was joking.

Yep - I've been skipping the Car and Hotel episodes (mostly because Build-a-Title is a horrible game to listen too).   I listened to the first Austin, it was ok, but then I saw that the second ep was 1hr 40min, and skipped it.  I like the pre-CBB shows though.  this works for an hour - much longer than that it slows

I don't have to post my story now, cause this was pretty much it.  It was our wedding song.

I listen to a lot of the "big name" podcasts (CBB, WTF, BS Report, NNF, Nerdist, etc), but Stop Podcasting Yourself is my favorite.  I almost always listen to it the day it is released.

Thank you!
I listen to a lot of the podcasts in this article and am fairly addicted to them.

shed a tear for ninjavideo
Never watched a movie on Ninjavideo, but watched tons fo TV shows (HBO & Showtime series). It made living without cable bearable.

not a big deal
Doesn't seem like to big a deal for my household. We use netflix almost exclusively for their streaming service, and for old seasons of TV shows. any new release that comes out usually has a "Very Long Wait" tag anyways.
It'll be cool to get more tv shows streaming.

Professional Wrestling
I am a 31 year old middle class college graduate, and I will defend professional wrestling at anytime as a legitmate form of entertainment. It captures action, comedy, drama, athleticism, and improv in one compellling live performance. It can be stupid and insulting at times, but it can also

this best of satisfied my need to hear GBV. Its got some awesome songs, but I haven't gotten into much more that I've heard beyond the best of.
I wouldn't mind a volume 2.

definitely. Petty has several songs in the power pop realm. "Even the Losers" comes to mind.