Chocolate Eating Jacket

Actually I didn't know who died until YOU JUST FUCKING SAID IT YOU DICK

I wish the font wasn't so damn big. It's hard to read giant, Large Readers Digest sized text quickly. You actually have to move your eyes across the huge fucking words.

Dude, fucking Outbreak. We watched Outbreak every goddamn semester in high School. I think the only other two movies our crappy public school owned were Apollo 13, which we also watched at least five times, and Gattaca, which I would have enjoyed, but they played it on a 20-inch CRT TV with fake-wood paneling that

My apologies for quoting a Salon article, but basically, this:
"'Applause,'… put forth the central thesis of Gaga’s career — that fame is an interesting topic and one that she relates to. “I live for the applause,” Gaga sang, as though this were somehow novel or unique to her. Gaga had made vague statements about fame

"Lady Gaga’s relationship with fame has always been full of nuance."

Instead of an identifiable sound, grunge was always more of a marketing lasso that grouped a bunch of bands together that don't really sound that similar. Soundgarden and Nirvana sound almost nothing alike. It's a genre without a sound, which makes it pretty impossible to be influential the way post-punk or other

Sexual Harassment Panda's appearance wasn't creepy or anything

Brave choice!

"I didn't eat red meat for 12 years. But last week, I couldn't resist the McRib. Boy was it worth it."

nice regurgitation of a Vice article from weeks ago.

The AvClub did not review very many chart pop albums back in the day.

I'm talking purely about this website becoming a pop and TV website. I do wish there was more technical knowledge in music writing in general, but I don't think it's necessarily more important than the subjective aspects or the cultural/contextual. In fact it's probably less important/interesting, unless you are a

This might be the last straw. Why even read about music here anymore?

"artist" lol

Page hits are probably the best answer.

At least Hall and Oates wrote good songs, had technically good singing voices, etc. I don't get how anyone can get into Haim, they have rudimentary chops, which might be OK if they were making punk/garage/indie, but they're trying to pull off polished pop nonsense, and you better sound good if you are going to make

They both suck.

Agreed. Pretty much all my old favorite websites have turned into pop bullshit. I feel old.

"generic kinda chart-pop with an indie blog backup plan"
