Chocolate Eating Jacket

Robyn fucking sucks. It's music for people who love pop music but think they are too cool to admit to listening to top 40 garbage, so in public they like Robyn. (i have nothing bad to say about people who like Top 40 garbage, admit it, and also like Robyn, at least they are honest).

There is just no way this movie even comes close to validating this line: "half David Cronenberg-worthy body horror."

Big Trouble in Little China is great, but I don't know how anyone could place it above Escape from New York.

DeadMau5 is more widely popular but Skrillex is closing in.

I was wondering if this album art used a William Eggleston photo, or if was just the font and design that brought that to mind. possibly both?

If we have to reference Jacuzzi Boys' genre contemporaries, let's stick with the Black Lips (who are a LOT better), Sunny and the Sunsets,  shannon and the clams, etc.
Even Wavves are a bit of a stretch.

Beach House doesn't remotely sound like any of these bands.

"Red Harvest" rules. "Thin Man" is good, but it's light and comedic for Hammett, though it's still more hard-boiled than the movie version. Why the film is still highly regarded is beyond me.

the book is fantastic but the original film is nearly unbearably corny. It takes all the wit of Hammett's dialog and cloaks it in cloying ain't-I-a-stinker winks, and white-washes away the little edge the book had. If only it would have been made ten years later … it would have held up better.
That being said … this

I don't know what crime the city of Chicago committed against XRT, but that radiostation has been mercilessly dickcrushing its audience with tracks from this album for weeks. A "C-" was generous.

the new Ben Folds Five song buries that fuzz bass too far in the background to completely bring me back … but I still dig it.

Rise Against sucks
Rise Against is awful, I don't understand why they get a free pass.

fuck apple, long live Lala
fuck apple, long live Lala

im so happy this is good
and there's no fucking jazz guitar wanking from Nels! hurray!

"sky blue sky" is their worst album .. with a few exceptions, like "Impossible Germany"

it is sad that she can't be a fucking adult and get her life together. waste is sad. it doesn't mean I feel sorry for her or have much empathy for her, Davej.

ok, i rephrase: if the real Davis was this fucking terrible at singing/rapping, than maybe he wasn't worth making into a TV character at all, even if he is less shitty in other ways.

I'm in that boat, too, La Pipe. It is really fucking sad. She has so much damn talent. But still, maybe Kief can give her some advise on how to schedule your drug and booze binges as such that you can still play for 2 hours every other night.

jesus christ she is pathetic
she is fucking weak.
Every famous musician of the last 40 fucking years has been a drug addict. Man the fuck up.
That being said, I still love "Back to Black"

yea I have no idea if he is any worse than the real Davis.