Chocolate Eating Jacket

there's nothing gender-bending about Rihanna

fart noise
this is every aspiring trailer-trash redneck's favorite show.

You, Gerbil, are a gaping asshole. We both know this.

"Farmers Daughter" almost just caused me to fucking murder everyone at my place of work. jesus fucking Christ

i have an idea: listen to the records. He looks like a giant douche filled with diarrhea, but the songs stand for themselves.

Wroulioc: you troll, or idiot, or both.
That's an especially bold claim about a guy known for one of the best concept ALBUMS of all time in "Ziggy Stardust." And Hunky Dory is one of my favorite albums, front to back, of any artist. Get out of here.

I picked up their compilation record "Sewn Soles," it's so fucking good. I recommend anyone with a passing interest in garage rock to check it out at least. I'm definitely getting this one.

Father Hood
I call him Rook, he love lizards and money man he's off the hook.

phase shifter* pedals

I hear "grunge" all over this album (even of they don't sound like grunge overall), especially the guitar tones, lots of phader pedals of the "Come As You Are" variety.

Pearl Jam
Without apology, I love "Vs," "Vitology," "No Code," "Yield" and "Riot Act." Those records all hit me at the right age. This article just reminded me of all that, I hadn't listened to it in a while, now I'm buried under about ten feet of nostalgia. Kiss any productivity goodbye for about 2 hours.

i haven't either, thewarfreak. So thank you, AV Club, now I'm hip to the cool kids' jive!

Reading stuff
the book was just a long and tedious denouement, too.

"Passenger 57" informed us that Wesley "always bets on black."

Everyone should read the profile of him in GQ from few months back. So funny and ridiculous.

seen it
seen it

haha that was the most hilariously by-the-numbers trailer I've seen in a while.

The 100 agent smiths fight looked like dog shit the day it was released, but it was fun anyhow. The wachowski brothers' much-hyped CG tech for that sequel was awful.

that Liz Lemonizing of Kanye tweets is already an internet thing.

yeah I like both Adventureland and Superbad.
Totally agree about Rogen.