Chocolate Eating Jacket

The 'bo
Bored to Death is quickly becoming my favorite Sunday night HBO show. I don't know how this happened.

Even Ryan Reynolds and Kristen Stewart were largely watchable in "Adventureland."
So word up, Mottola.

I'd say it was lazier than all of his output. Also, I hesitated, so I'm a bitch.


how does netflix not have either "Dressed To Kill" or "Blow Out?"

Last Action Hero was my favorite movie for a few weeks when I was 10. i wanna see it again, or maybe I dont

mr dobalina Mr. Bob Dobalina.
thats what yr name makes me think of.

hey, know-it-alls, it is mechanically separated chicken, not ice cream:

guy with an opinion om the internet
dude is over rated

1. The Monitor
2. Halcyon Digest
3. Teen Dream
4. Astro Coast
5. Treats
6. Before Today

but most importantly, J. Geils Band had that drumhead filled with milk that splashed unexpectedly when struck with a stick.

anyone ever hear Mac Lethal's parody of "Lean Back"
it's easy, but pretty funny.

yeah my posts had some serious typos, big deal.
You take this shit personal, don't you Richards? I try to keep my comments about the music or subject at hand, for the most part. You can ad hominem all ya want.

i mean I'm not sure if I agree with the decision.

I dunno why but I love "Greendale." His other recent stuff, not so much. There's a curious lack of drums on this record.

Titus Andronicus rules. The Monitor is my favorite record of the year.

Lovecraft is definetly loving this, but The Hold Steady are roughly 58 to 59 times better than the Gaslight Anthem.

to clarify: I'm not saying they are on the "pop charts," whatever the fuck that is anymore, I just mean that like a lot of pop artists their sound is weak is fuck even as pose hard as hell.

The Gaslight Anthem are terrible
Springsteen comparisons be damned, the guitars sound more like sanitized Warped Tour mallpunk, and the maudlin choruses are more suited to a Brian Adams hit than for anyone convincingly wearing a leather jacket.

"Real Sex" is impossible to beat it to.