Chocolate Eating Jacket

Let's sneak into an R-rated movie
Barton Fink! Barton Fink! Barton Fink! Barton Fink!

Anyone else hate the original? i don't think i laughed once. midget jokes! gay jokes! hallucinogenic jokes! knocking over a coffin jokes! hilarious!

Anyone else hate the original? i don't think i laughed once. midget jokes! gay jokes! hallucinogenic jokes! knocking over a coffin jokes! hilarious!

man fuck this
ummmmm …. man, fuck this!

do they share sex time?
do they share a tasty treat at a malt shop?
do they share poorly written dialogue?
do they share back hair?
do they share ….

more like snoooze!!! amirite!
this News is old az fuck … come on ….

any of you fucks read the Wesley Snipes interview in GQ? It's fucking hilarious for several pages, but there is one kind of oddly touching moment (pause) when Wes tells about having to hold MJs hand in Harlem during a video shoot. Michael was all scared and shit, poor guy.

Weird Al's "Fat" video pwns "Bad." He got food in his pockets! bahahabhahaaha

the killer
fuck yeah

ive said this before but it bears repeating: "ships mast" just isn't that exciting, and I get the whole throwback car-chase thing, but that shit is boring as hell. let's watch two kids shove their toy cars around in a sandbox for 30 minutes! hurray!

i sat around a drank and smoked and watched the Devils Rejects last Easter. i have a fulfilling home life.

The Killer ftw, but maybe that's just cause I saw the killer first. Hard Boiled is fun, though.



Chartex - I am fully aware of the larger "phenomenon," but the Austin Powers case is especially interesting because of the improving grades given even as the films got worse.

i just double checked this recollection on Metacritic.

btw anyone remember how most mainstream critics disregarded the first and oftentimes the second Austin Powers movies with C- reviews, etc when they were actually pretty funny (but not great films by any means) and by the time the crappy third one came around those critics realized they'd disregarded a cultural

my dad inexplicably started busting out an Austin Powers impersonation this year, i kid you not, even though he has never done one before and hasn't seen any of them since the second one in theaters.

i dunno if that post was factual or a cheap contrivance for the sake of a beautiful firstie, but Weird Al was also my first concert.

Joaquin Phoenix*