Chocolate Eating Jacket

totally unrelated
whatever happened with Jaquin Pheonix's fake downward spiral and casey afleck or whoever it was following him around with a camera? was that a docu project or was Joaquin Phoenix actually gong down the tubes, ugh I haven't hear anything about that in awhile.

according to the all-knowing internet, there are about 30 million HBO subscribers, holy shit, that's way more than I thought, but upon further reflection seems about right.

i am also curious regarding the premium cable business model. someone help, please.

wait, did you say Segel is taller, or more on the short side.
segel is to giraffe or segel is to rabbit? i'm confused.

letter writing at end of episode
the guy writes to his honey about how he has "met the enemy but doesn't know anything more about them," how he can "reconcile war with god but not himself" …. is he quoting something famous. or are the writers of The Pacific just writing in cliches, or is this the default letter every

in the original cut of Dodgeball the credits were supposed to roll right after Ben Stiller eliminates Vince and wins.

yr mom and my wanger were a disappointing collaboration (for everyone).

yeah the guy who played the deacon was a drug lord in the '80s and spent some time in "the cut," how much of an inspiration he was for the Wire's characters, I dunno.

I'm just happy this review stayed away from the "at first glance James Mercer and Danger Mouse are a seemingly odd couple, but upon further introspection the pairing makes more sense …" that every lazy critic has said about all of Danger Mouse's collabo work, it's nearly a given in anything you read about the

i can't find much about it online, other than its Wood Harris interviewing "the real" Avon Barksdale …. what are the chances the AV Club can get a copy/ do a review?

never played Mario?
did you have any friends growing up?

"the one with the Faberge egg on the cover" was called "Magic Potion" and it was easily their weakest pre-Danger Mouse record. But I do agree in that I hope their new album strays a bit from the "Attack and Release" polish.

agreed, Loose Stool. Also, can I recommend that you integrate more fiber into your diet?

dont forget the hold steady and lcd soundsystem are also set for may. im gonna go broke this spring.

switch to Brazilian fart porn and you've got me in your audience.

I saw The Replacement Killers a few months after I saw the The Killer for the first time, and thought Chow Yun-Fat was the motherfucking shit and could do no wrong. Also, I was 15, so I thought it was tits. Looking back, I wasn't that wrong.

but does William Petersen give him a fishing pole?

Re: the beginning of this thread
I think you all meant "Tim Burton remakes something, but crappier."

doesn't really sound funny anyway …