Chocolate Eating Jacket

I see your original point, Futurechimp, but for someone like me who likes a little context and is a little OCD about completion , a minimal amount of research on Amazon or anywhere else allows the Complete Crumb to be a great gateway into any of his different eras.

I know they're there, included, in the book. you don't have to out searching for a stupid greeting card, it's right there with the comics, etc. if Crumb's catalog hadn't been organized, it would be a wild goose chase to track down 50 years wort of stuff.

The Complete Crumb Comics makes it easy for a novice such as myself to self-introduce to different eras of his work, as opposed to if everything he's done wasn't cataloged and organized in such a complete manner and was just piles of individual comic books and greeting cards and collectors items.

R. Crumb is easy enough, thanks to The Complete Crumb Comics …

Damn Noel, hittin me with the the stat baseball bat. To answer your question: No, I guess that isn't too many.

has Gateway to Geekery been a little comics-heavy since its debut?

i dont even have the energy for this


none of these are funny.

maaaaan I know that

"Timecrimes" would have been easy, just a dot on the time-line. That movie rocks.

that was my initial analysis … but most of those '80s red lines were created by an atypically productive "Ted" Theodore Logan and Bill S. Preston Esquire.

do you mean excellent adventure?

classic socialist imagery coopted for capitalistic gains?
Shepard Fairey is a unoriginal hack. He's like a walking Ed Hardy Che shirt.

in the '60s*

don't forget that their was lots of pre-world conquering backlash against Zeppelin the '60s before Rolling Stone and the other arbiters of taste at the time realized that, blues pilfering or not, Led Zeppelin fucking rocks.

dammit, Towelie, we just want our Okama Gamesphere back.

maybe its cause i got it when i was 12
… but that Marcy Playground album is great all the way through. it was one of my favorites growing up.

I remember seeing that Sabrina episode when I was little, and thinking "man, she's really into obscure music," and then I got all insecure and thought, "man this must be a really big band for it to be featured so prominently. how do I not know them?" cause I was young and didn't know anything, and just assumed

I watched Richie Rich yesterday, and in the red-headed street girl's bedroom was a poster for Hammer, the gangsta rap incarnation of MC Hammer.