Chocolate Eating Jacket

Future of the Left sucks.
Future of the Left sucks.


Damon Dash created a separate record company (also named Blackroc) to release this … and I don't know if he fucked up distribution or what their sales model was … cause Amazon didn't even have their own copies last time I checked. It's not on Lala. I'm gonna head to the record store after work and there's a

I wanna go hangout on the forth floor. that is the ONLY good place to score drugs in Pawnee.
hahah I think the 4th floor was Hamsterdam.

Calling anything in a sitcom "unrealistic" is stupid, but I thought the office workers were smarter than to automatically blame Jim for something that was so clearly not his intention, even to someone who were not shown the forces conspiring against him. When a group of people have worked with Dwight and Jim for

i live in a crappy rust belt midwest city and make dog shit money and PBR is the fucking shit. It's cheap and tastes better than anything else in it's price range. Anyone that refers to Rolling Rock as a "cheap beer" is a fucking wanker. PBR is cheap. High Life is cheap. Rolling Rock is a mid-ranged price ale you

the opening credits in Panic Room were very striking, even though it wasn't anything more amazing than some CGI letters.

Shit, I had a hard time getting into Young Prayer. Maybe I was expecting something more along the lines of Person Pitch cause I heard that first. I found the stark, acoustic guitar and vocal melodies a bit tuneless. maybe I should try it again. Any track suggestions?

The big chase in Grindhouse in my least favorite segment of the entire double feature. It's like watching a ten-year-old play with Matchbox cars in the sandbox. I constantly hear the impressive 20-minute run time mentioned as an attribute, I find it detrimental. Couldn't the scene be about half as long? How

we're all talking
The best Animal Collective song of the year is still "Walkabout." When is Panda Bear's new album out?

if i had to choose id rather be surrounded by all the brahs at a Cubs game than the toothless retards at Cardinals games.

padrock: I agree completely.

only one thing ti say … NERRRRDDDSS

I'd rather make out with her other set of lips, that probably have better breath …

Vegemite and … Vegemite

ever seen a hairball the size of a dead rat pulled from a shower drain?
i wanna see more of the gruesome twosome celebrations.
failed secondsies, etc

thanks duder
holy shit thank you for introducing me to Reigning Sound … my greenhorns comp was starting to wear out

I'm dumb and lazy
I'm confused about these genre lists. If an album is on this list, does it mean it won't appear on the best of the decade (overall) list, and vice versa? Or will there be overlap?

titty milk icing?

uhhh, I actually like the show, it's just Amy Poehler is not funny in this role and she drags it down every week. You know, it's possible to enjoy something and still be critical of it, when I say "apologists" I'm referring to the people that refuse to admit any flaws in a funny but flawed show.