Chocolate Eating Jacket

It would have been a B+ if they removed all of Amy Poehler's lines. She is painfully unfunny. That Tim Gunn bit — what a horrible Michael Scott approximation. That dream sequence? Not funny. She's never funny, ever. I'm sick of all the damn Parks & Rec apologists around these here parts.

stuff people say and stuff
Tasha seems over concerned with the animation …. but i havent seen it yet, so …

'the reason it's a bad ass motherfucking twist is because its exactly not one of the ideas you just mentioned. those twists would have sucked. if you see the film without knowing beforehand, it's devastating.

England banned rock 'n' roll.
but then Phil Seymour Hoff was all like 'OH NO IT'S NOT!'
and then the British were like, 'YR PIRATES!'
and they were like 'we'll play whatevers we wants on a boat!'
and then they were like 'someone lost their virginity!'
har har har

snood is a great game.
that is all.

DADOES was the first PKD book I read, knowing going in that it was very different from the movie. Knowing that, I loved it and was a great introduction to the rest of Dick's work. If anything, I like Blade Runner even more now after reading the book. It's a great example of a film different enough from source material

Ubik is the motherfucking shit. Read it.

oh no
when Chris brown holding a telecaster isn't the most bizarre aspect of an album cover … things are not going to be pretty.

just got this album. it rules.

Stacy's a troll, right?

regardless, the sizzurp comment was off color.

damn steppin' in here late as hellll, but John Bellairs is the shit and Edward Gorey is a twisted little fuck. My mustachioed female grade school librarian put "Eyes of the Killer Robot" on the shelf of books to get rid of, my mom saved it and gave it to me. It was the first one i read, and then quickly consumed all

"zx, you vastly overestimate the knowledge of an early 20's person living in small town America."

I've only read the two essay collections, will def have to get Fargo Rock City now. I'm asking for Eating the Dinosaur for my birfday next month because I'm a little baby.

i still dont get it

cause they always photoshop the wrinkles off his face for some reason on posters and DVDs. Look at the Meet the Parents DVD covers, it's horrifying

Smoother than my ballsack after botox
DeNiro's face is always so photoshopped on DVD covers and movie posters that he looks like a burn victim, or at least a grossly rendered, CGI version of himself.

Holy shit someone has already added the gun thing to Sasha Mitchell's Wikipedia page and credited it to this interview.

poop dreams
poop dreams

cool hat, Seabiscuit.