Chocolate Eating Jacket


well spent time
damnnnn I done seen 10 of dem der move-ays.

my fave is wind phoenix

saw at pitchfork fest. CEG live=more screaming and passion=even better than the album. for me at least. i bought this on the strength of that show.

uhh didn't you read the second fucking sentence of this review?



heading to Amazon right now
dammit this just reminded me how guilty I feel for seeing this really really drunk the only time I ever watched it. for shame.

there's this thing called google

I guess I'm the only one.
This show is cornier than Scrubs.

I hate my roomates from last year cuz of this album.
But what about all the philosophy in "Shwayze" by Shwayze? Buds, bitches and brews? Isn't that it? Right? Let's go frat out at my house and frat some Shwayze.

"Z" and "Post War" are two of my favorite albums o he decade, or at least most listened.

I actually liked "Riot Act," with the slower tempos and all.

everythings always gotta be a comeback
i thought the damn avocado record was suppose to be their "comeback" album. Are we going to have to go over this which each subsequent Pearl Jam release?

i once saw someone posting on a small town newspaper's Web page as "Ron Burgundy." Mid-attack, another commenter told "Ron" without a hint of irony that he doubted it was even his real name.

damn knives, you have the kind of parents that would shell out $400 for DVD box sets? Mine would have laughed in my pimply-ass face. I don't know if I should be jealous or sad for you.

Karatloz: My advice to you is to start drinking heavily
Totz Jr.: Get real about drugs and stop acting like $400 is even close to enough PCP.

As my mouth-breathing high school statistics teacher pronounced it, "BoLth!"

b…bb…bbbut I have excuses. I have a PHD in near-malapropisms, which often accidentally sneaks into my day-to-day verbiage. Also, I'm sick as shit and can barely read, let alone type.

gotten or received but definitely not "gottin'"